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內容簡介: Understanding how the Chinese writing system illustrates universal design features of writing and literacy learning, as well as how it differs from alphabetic literacy, has become one of the cutting edge areas of research in the cognitive sciences. A major part of this book is devoted to the presentation of a series of proposals for collaborative research with investigators working in East Asia on cross-writing system comparisons and bilingual literacy—Comparing alphabetic and morpho-syllabic literacy. The part that corresponds to 'International perspectives' proposes new avenues in research on problems of bilingualism shared by speakers of all languages.

With a broad survey of research advances drawing from recent investigations, this book will provide non-specialist readers with examples of how the relevant concepts might be applied to practical problems-age of acquisition effects in first and second language development; analysis of language attrition and asymmetries of different kinds; issues of componentiality (or modularity); bilingual and second language literacy; and the discussion of an important debate in second language acquisition theory and practice.

Bilingual development and literacy learning is intended for practitioners in the field of second language education, administrators and policy makers, and pre-service teachers (upper division and graduate level). In addition, students and specialists in allied fields interested in the key theoretical concepts will find it useful, including in the cognitive sciences in general and sociolinguistics. A detailed glossary is included for readers new to the study of bilingualism and second language learning.

作者簡介博客來Norbert FRANCIS博客來網路書店

Norbert FRANCIS is Professor of Bilingual and Multicultural Education in the College of Education at Northern Arizona University.

Bilingual Development and Literacy Learning博客來高CP值 好書推薦 博客來網路書店

  • 出版社:香港城市大學    新功能介紹
  • 出版日期:2012/11/16
  • 語言:英文

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